What do we offer?

We provide the tools necessary for astronomy education, discovery and research, utilizing remote robotic telescopes. Offering a variety of packages that can be integrated into your teaching curriculum. This can range from taking a stunning image of your favorite astronomical object to doing some simple scietific measurements, all the way to undertaking original research that might merit publication in a Scientific journal.

How does it work?

You will submit the details of your observation through our website, which can be done through any computer. Once your image is taken, it will be sent to you via email. You can then choose to avail of one of our project ideas, liaise with our education staff to help you design the project that best suits your class, or design your own project. As we develope our education packages, we welcome input from teachers and educators, so please contact us with any ideas or suggestions that you would like to share. You can contact us via email at education@kingslandobservatory.com

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